
Acupuncture is a component of Traditional Chinese Medicine in which thin needles are inserted into the body for which we use stainless steel disposable needles.

Diet Management

We manage your food choices as per your body constitution. Our Specialist will answer all your questions on: what to eat?, why to eat?, when is the best time to eat? & how to eat? 

Cosmetic Therapy

Special treatment available for Anti aging, wrinkles, Face pigmentation, Acne, Obesity etc. by Acupuncture and Diet.


Acupressure is a technique in which press selected points with hand or instrument to treat the patient.

Theraputic Exercise

Our experts will guide you through our condition specific exercise.

Cupping Therapy

Cupping is a type of therapy that involves placing of cups on the skin to create suction. We specialise in dry, wet, oil and face cupping.

Moxibution Therapy

Moxibution is a herb that enhance healing with Acupuncture. Different types of moxibution are used at our centre.

Dorn Therapy / Spine Alignment

Our expert therapist uses manual technique to align all joins and bones of the body from head to toe.

Micro Acupunture

In Micro Acupuncture we can treat the whole body by using only one part of the body like… Scalp, Auricular, Su-jok Acupuncture etc.

Other Services

| General Inquires


New Delhi-110034

| Open Time

Monday To Saturday
9:30 a.m. – 12:30 pm.
5:00 p.m. – 8:00 pm.
(Sunday Closed)